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What is the Fartlek Family?

The most wonderful things about running (in our humble opinion) is how it can bring people together - a common interest that can spark awesome connections.

Our Fartlek Family represents exactly that.  A community of runners coming together in a safe place to interact, share stories and form friendships.

Our 150+ strong group is growing all the time through our WhatsApp group, Newsletter, meet ups and community challenges - no expectations, just pals coming together over a love of running.


Just contact us directly via any of our social media channels or via email and we will be in touch with all the details.

We would love you to join and be a part of our Fartlek Family and join the fun.

Future Planned Meet Ups

April 6th 2025 - Drayton Manor 5k & 10k

WTF Pacing takeover


August 22nd-23rd 2025 - Summer Weekender

Our awesome annual weekend of running, drinks, parkrun, football and partying

September 28th 2025 - Humber Bridge Half Marathon

WTF Pacing takeover

November 15th-16th 2025 - Alton Towers 5k / 10k / Half Marathon

Our annual trip to the theme park for rides, runs and rum.

Please come along and join us.

Testimonials from our Fartlek Family

Hear what some of our Fartlek Family members have to say about us:


A couple of northern blokes talking nonsense. 

To the untrained ear, that’s what this started out as, but it’s so much more than that. At a time where we were locked down in our houses, this ‘silly little podcast’ became a beacon of hope; you were not alone, there were loads of other people just like you for whom that daily run was sanity. Somehow, the WTF team knitted us all together and made a horrible, depressing period in our lives more bearable. 

As normal came back we realised we didn’t want to leave the warm inner circle that had given us so much comfort. It seems that WTF is not just for Covid, it’s for life. And for that I’m very grateful.


The Fartlek Family is a real tonic. They make you laugh, make you cry, support you and are all damn right awesome individuals. Sometimes running is important to us, sometimes we just discuss whether a Jaffa cake is a cake or a biscuit. Either way, they bring joy to my life. And that makes me so happy.


I love running, I love the people it’s bought into my life, none more so than the Fartlek family


WhatTheFartlek…....Let’s start with WhoTheF*ck (keeping it PC) 

So 2 individuals who connected thought that there maybe more people like them and unfortunately for them, they were right! 

They made a community and that community made one of them run, a hell of a long way (kind of).

This community is something else and in every sense a good way. 

Personally I struggle with anxiety and yet when it comes to this amazing bunch I never think of that. I cheer people on, I wind them up, we have a laugh and we support one another and I look forward to the weekly update that is known as the podcast for people rubbing each other for us to hear. 

We are worlds apart and yet they seem so close. I have met a very small amount of the individuals from this community to date but I am excited to meet more of them over the next few months. They say you can’t pick your family well guess what.. in this sense I did. I chose to be part of this amazing running family and I haven’t looked back once. 

The fartlek family is amazing and I couldn’t nor would I choose anyone to take their place. X


A community of like minded people who are there to encourage, praise you and where is needed, question your life choices.  An example of the latter is jacket potato and coleslaw, I mean why???



The family that are actually interested in your running? 😂



A family brought together by running..........and dressing gowns/house coats.......and breadcakes/barms/rolls........and alcohol

Fartlek Family poem
by Jeff Slater

“The fartlek family” ! But what does it mean?,

It’s like calling the Avengers to summon a team,


There’s no individuals they are all VIP,

But once it’s witnessed it’s apparent to see,


Physically, mentally they can be spectrums apart,

But they become a tight unit with running at heart,


There’s one that’s quite tiny and some that are tall,

But once they lace up it’s all for one and one for all,


Any weakness you have, they make it a strength,

They will take you the distance regardless of length,


Run4YourMind, JustDoYou, some of the mantras they use,

They all found a formula so no one can lose,


From first timers to veterans and all in between,

And if you’re not running, your in the cheer team,


So family is right that’s just what they are,

They share their hotels so you don’t sleep in the car,


Inclusive and welcoming from beginning to end, 

Thank you fartlek family you have made a new friend ❤️


Choooooooo choooooooo


Many thanks to Jeff who sent in that poem following his first meet up with the Fartlek Family at the 2021 Alton Towers weekender.

We think its pretty awesome.

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